
Over the past 25+ years in Tallahassee, FL Doug has volunteered playing in many churches, for special events, in nursing homes, and over the past year has played at the Florida Governor’s Mansion for Governor Rick Scott. He also has played for pro-life Heroic Media events with Gov. Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee. Since 1998, he has played his cello with the worship team at Evangel Church in Tallahassee, where his family (wife and two sons) have been members.

Growing up in Central Florida (Lakeland), learning to play my cello
(public schools and church)

In 1975, at the age of 10 his mom encouraged him to play a stringed instrument in elementary school, as he started playing the cello in 5th grade at Lime Street Elementary and continued through high school graduating from Lakeland High School, in 1984. The Polk County pubic school system provided me my foundation learning how to play the cello during his early years As a teenager, he would play in three services each Sunday. This helped him hone his skills playing hymns and worship songs with the church orchestra at the former First Assembly of God and Carpenter’s Home Church. With no funds for private lessons, he was grateful to learn to play at school and church.

While attending Oral Roberts University, he played his cello in the ORU Orchestra and on the Richard Roberts Show, and earned his Business Degree in 1988. He then attended University of Southern Mississippi earning his MBA in Marketing.

In recent years, he has enjoyed playing his cello with worship teams, recording with artists in the Nashville area at times, and letting God open doors with his music ministry. He also teaches college marketing classes in Tallahassee.

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